Antoine-Jérôme Balard, (born Sept. 30, 1802, Montpellier, Fr.—died March 30, 1876, Paris), French chemist who in 1826 discovered the element bromine, determined its properties, and studied some of its compounds.Later he proved the presence of bromine in sea plants and animals. In studying salt marsh flora from Mediterranean waters, Balard, after crystallizing sodium chloride and sodium
Antoine Meaning - Inestimable, Highly Praiseworthy, Beyond Praise, Invaluable. Antoine name numerology is 6 and here you can learn how to pronounce Antoine, Antoine origin and similar names to Antoine … How do you pronounce Antoine de Saint-Exupéry? | Yahoo Answers Dec 25, 2006 The Leeuwenhoek name: How to pronounce it | Lens on The Leeuwenhoek name: How to pronounce it In Dutch, leeuw is lion and hoek is corner. When Antony's grandfather Thonis became a member of the Dutch Reformed Church in February 1601, he put his name down as a basketmaker living on the Oosteinde at the Leeuwenpoortge, literally, the Little Lion's Gate, the "Little" referring to the gate, not the
Antoine; Pronunciation: French: Antoine is a French given name (from the Latin Antonius meaning “highly praise-worthy”) that is a variant of Danton, Titouan, D'Anton and Antonin used in France,
Pronounce Antoine [ 2 syll. an - toi - ne , ant -o- ine ] The baby boy name Antoine is pronounced as ae-NTW AE -N †. Antoine is used predominantly in the French, Irish, Dutch, and …
Antoine Vens: ᐅ Pronunciation, Meaning & Origin | AudioNames
Antoine Vens: ᐅ Pronunciation, Meaning & Origin | AudioNames Learn the audio pronunciation of Antoine Vens, and know more about the name meaning, the origin of the name, phonetics spelling, name popularity and more on this page. 8 audio name pronunciations are available for Antoine Vens contributed by native users. Antoine Pelloquin: ᐅ Pronunciation, Meaning & Origin Learn the audio pronunciation of Antoine Pelloquin, and know more about the name meaning, the origin of the name, phonetics spelling, name popularity and more on this page. 8 audio name pronunciations are available for Antoine Pelloquin contributed by native users. How do you pronounce ANTONINE in Italian?